The COMCEC 33rd Ministerial Meeting was held at the Istanbul Congress Center between November 20th-23rd, 2017. The meeting was attended by the representatives of 50 Member States and 18 international organizations.

This year, Ministerial Exchange of Views Session was held with the theme of “Improving Transnational Transport Corridors in the OIC Member Countries”. In addition to the regular agenda items of the COMCEC, the delegations from the Member States shared their experiences, challenges and achievements in transnational transport corridors issue in their respective countries. At the end of the meeting, Ministers adopted the resolutions and a Ministerial Declaration on “Improving Transnational Transport Corridors in the OIC Member Countries”.

Furthermore, 4 special sessions and 1 forum were held on the sidelines of the Ministerial Session and various aspects of transnational transport corridors were discussed during these high-level events.

Click for the details.