Transport and Communications

The 16th Meeting of COMCEC Transport and Communications Working Group was held virtually on May 31st, 2021, with the theme of “Mitigation Strategies for Transport Service Providers During and After COVID-19”.

The representatives of 21 Member States attended the meeting. Furthermore, the representatives of the SESRIC, Port Operators Association of Turkey (TURKLIM), International Shippers Association (UND), and COMCEC Coordination Office attended the meeting.

The representatives of the Member States have shared their experiences, achievements and challenges regarding mitigation strategies for transport service providers during the global pandemic in their respective countries. Furthermore, they have deliberated the good practices and the challenges faced due to the adverse impact of the pandemic on transport sector. The meeting has mainly considered the first draft report titled “Mitigation Strategies for Transport Service Providers During and After COVID-19 in the OIC Member Countries” which have being conducted by the COMCEC Coordination Office.

For further information regarding the meeting, please follow the links below:

The 16th Meeting of the COMCEC Agriculture Working Group was held virtually on 27 May 2021 with the theme of “How to Ensure the Sustainability of Food Supply Chains in Turbulent Times: The Case of COVID-19”.

Representatives from the 22 OIC member countries and COMCEC Coordination Office, SESRIC, FAO Turkey Representation and Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS) attended the meeting.

Participants discussed the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak on food supply chains in the member countries, the challenges faced, and the measures, programs, and policies implemented for reducing the adverse effects of the pandemic.

During the meeting, the first draft of the research report titled “Ensuring the Sustainability of Food Supply Chains in Extraordinary Situations: The Case of COVID-19” which has been prepared as commissioned by the COMCEC Coordination Office, was discussed.

Click on the links below for detailed information about the meeting:

The 16th Meeting of the COMCEC Tourism Working Group was held on May 25th, 2021 in a virtual-only format, with the theme of “Mitigation Strategies for Tourism After Covid-19”.

The Meeting was attended by the representatives of 18 Member States. Representatives of COMCEC Coordination Office, and SESRIC have also attended the Meeting.

The Representatives of the Member States have shared their experiences, achievements and challenges regarding mitigation strategies in their respective countries The participants have deliberated on the aforementioned theme and considered the study “Mitigation Strategies for Tourism After Covid-19” commissioned by the COMCEC Coordination Office.

For further information regarding the Meeting, follow the links below:

Poverty Alleviation

The 16th Meeting of the COMCEC Poverty Alleviation Working Group was held virtually on 24 May 2021 with the theme of “COVID-19 and its Adverse Effects on Socio-Economic Inequalities in the OIC Member Countries”.

Representatives from the 17 OIC member countries and COMCEC Coordination Office, SESRIC, World Food Program (WFP) and BRAC attended the meeting.

Participants discussed the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak on socio-economic inequalities in member countries, the challenges faced, and the policies and programs implemented.

During the meeting, the study titled “COVID-19 and its Adverse Effects on Socio-Economic Inequalities in the OIC Member Countries”, which was commissioned by the COMCEC Coordination Office, was discussed by the participants.

Click on the links below for detailed information about the meeting:

The 16th Meeting of the COMCEC Trade Working Group was held on May 20th, 2021, in a virtual-only format with the theme of “Counter-measures to Sustain Trade Facilitation During and After COVID-19 Pandemic in the OIC Member Countries”.

The representatives of 20 Member States, which have notified their focal points for the Trade Working Group, attended the Meeting. The meeting was further attended by the representatives of the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), OECD, SESRIC, SMIIC, ICCIA and COMCEC Coordination Office.

The Representatives of the Member States have shared their experiences, achievements and challenges on sustaining trade facilitation during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The Meeting has also considered the first draft study of the research report prepared on the said theme.

For further information on the Meeting, follow the links below: